Head of the international cooperation in research and innovation, IEM

Czech Academy of Sciences

George Sakellaris is the head of the international cooperation in research and innovation of the IEM in the Czech Academy of Sciences. He is also a contributor in the Czech Bioeconomy platform Initiated by the University of South Bohemia in the Czech Republic in 2015 and member of the Organization Committee and contributor to the “Bioeconomy Course” established 2016 by this University. He is also a member of the National Committee for the Bioeconomy Initiative in Czech Republic.

From 1986 -2012, he has been a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Biotechnology of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens. During this period he has been elected in the positions:

  • Member of the GMO panel at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) / 2003-2006
  • Member of the Consulting body of the European Parliament on Biotech issues / 2006-2009
  • Member of the Public Research & Regulation Initiative (PRRI) of the EC / 2003-present
  • Member of the Task Force EU-US on Biotechnology / 2005-2012

He is also appointed at the Bioeconomy working group of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB), at the EuropaBio and at the International Council of Biotechnology Associations (ICBA)

Besides his background on Microbial genetics and Enzyme technology, he has been active since 1992 in the domain of Social Issues of Biotechnology (Board member of the task group on public perceptions of the EFB), and on Bioeconomy. He is the author of 50 scientific papers in peer reviewed Journals, of 6 book chapters and he has participated in more than 100 international conventions worldwide, in many of them as an invited speaker.

He has been a participant of coordinator in 19 EC funded Research projects and consortia, of a total budget over of 4.5 million Euros.