George Sakellaris
George SakellarisHead of the international cooperation in research and innovation, IEM
Czech Academy of Sciences
Henry Thompson
Henry ThompsonProfessor
Auburn University
Dimitris Kekos
Dimitris KekosProfessor
National Technical University of Athens
George Peter Nassos
George Peter NassosProfessor
DePaul University
DImitris Chatzinikolaou
DImitris ChatzinikolaouAssociate Professor
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Constantine Manasakis
Constantine ManasakisAssistant Professor
University of Crete
Panagiotis Kollas
Panagiotis KollasCEO UNISCRAP PBC.
Social and Environmental Impact
Ilias Savvakis
Ilias SavvakisChemical Engineer, MBA, MSc
Secretary-General of the municipality of Agios Dimitrios